Welcome to our treehouse blog

Why Choose Cheeky Monkey For Your UK Treehouse Build?

When you choose to add a treehouse in your garden, you want to work with the best UK treehouse builders. And, that would be us (if we do say so ourselves). Here at Cheeky Monkey Treehouse Builders, we’re passionate about what we do. Creating cool, fun, and intricate designs is what we live for. When…

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Where To Buy A Treehouse In The UK

Buying a treehouse in the UK can be the ultimate gift for your family. Treehouses are every kid’s dream, and there are definitely adults out there who wouldn’t say no to one either! But with something as large as a treehouse, you need to get it right. A sturdy, custom-built structure is exactly what you…

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Five Benefits of Getting a Treehouse for Your Children

The children of today live in a technologically saturated environment. Most of them prefer to stay indoors and play with gadgets. Not many children want to play outdoors. This is a phenomenon unique to the current generation of digital natives and their children. That said, there are plenty of studies that point to the hazardous…

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Great Features to Add to Your Treehouse

While technological advancements have made the way we live more convenient, this change came at a great social cost, particularly on our children. Kids these days spend so much time holed up in their houses playing video games, watching TV, or surfing the internet. A survey of British children has shown that they spend only…

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The Benefits of Building Eco-friendly Treehouses For Your Kids

In a digital world, most children spend their free time playing video games or entertaining themselves by binge-watching their favourite Saturday morning shows on Netflix. Many children today are less likely interested in outdoor activities during their play hours, and it can negatively impact a child’s physical and mental health. While some video games can…

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Building a Treehouse That Lasts

A common dream shared among people of all ages, regardless of where they are or where they’re from, is to have a treehouse. Growing up many of us have stared at large trees thinking, “living up there would probably be really cool.”. Perhaps we still do now. Turning your dreams into reality, however, doesn’t have…

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Building The Perfect Treehouse

When building a treehouse, whether it’s for your children or yourself, you can’t simply grab an axe and start chopping away at some logs – and that’s certainly not what we ever do. There are many things that you need to consider beforehand. Tree damage should be avoided wherever possible. Although it’s sometimes impossible to…

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Four Interior Design Ideas For Your Kids’ Treehouse

If you’re fortunate enough to have a garden, why not take advantage of it by building your kids a treehouse to play in? The little ones are sure to love the idea. Not only will they have a covered place to stay out of the rain, but the treehouse will also serve as their playground….

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Common Misunderstandings About Treehouses

Nothing is more magical to children than having a treehouse in their very own garden. However, there are still some misconceptions surrounding treehouse construction that stop most parents from having one built. If you are not a professional treehouse builder, chances are you will most likely hold some of these misconceptions as well. In this…

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